
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wow, been awhile since I've updated!

Doesn't seem like there is a whole lot new to report.  Ben is growing like a weed.  We had an ultrasound on Dec. 21st and they estimated him at 1 pound 3 ounces.  They said he is a little bit below average in all of his measurements but I don't put much stock in that because "average" takes into account the extremely big and extremely small.  According to all the books he is right where he should be.

I've had a lot of people start asking me (starting at about week 15) if I had felt him moving yet.  Due to an anterior placenta it took a little bit longer to feel movement.  90% of the time the egg implants itself in the back of the uterus and the placenta grows there.  10% of the time, and in my case, the egg implanted in the front so there is a cushion between baby and stomach absorbing those blows.  I believe it is usually around weeks 18-20 that movement is first felt.  I didn't not feel anything other than somersaults until week 23.  Now he doesn't seem to stop, and that's ok!!  I have been able to feel the kicks on the outside with my hand on my stomach a few times and Jamie's has been anxiously awaiting being able to feel.  He was able to feel a few small kicks last night so that was awesome!

For the most part, everything health wise is right on track.  My eating got pretty bad for a few weeks and so far I have gained 17 of the 53 pounds lost back but I am happy to say that nutrition has once again taken priority lol.  I made it through Christmas without a single pound more gained, mostly due to a nasty eye infection, pink eye, and corneal abrasion that is almost completely healed, THANK YOU JESUS!!!  Was that ever painful?!?

I had mentioned on Facebook, and it's true for Christmas and my birthday, that the holidays seemed a little off this year.  With the eye stuff making me miss out on most of my family Christmas, having to work on my birthday for the first time in 5 years, and Jamie's family Christmas being cancelled due to Grandma being in the hospital; we both definitly say that his has been the worst Christmas in awhile.  Added to that the stress of Jamie not being able to find a job yet and money getting a tad tight, ok, a LOT tight.  But amidst it all, a genuine feeling of being blessed beyond belief emerges and we can't totally discard this year because we have received an answer to prayer that we've waited for 6 years for.  So amist all the turmoil we are eternally grateful and thankful, and joyful!

It's hard to believe that there are less that 16 weeks left and we can't wait to meet him!  Happy New Year everybody!