
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Updates for Sunday 3/4/12

I just called and talked to the night shift nurse and there is good progress and bad progress.

First the bad, Ben was started on medication for his elevated BP on Friday night.  He was given one dose with his feeding at 8pm.  He can be given it every six hours if the mean of his BP is 75 or greater.  Up until last night he had just had the 1 dose.  He ended up needing it at 11pm and again this morning at 5am.  She said his mean at 2pm was lower, I'm just bummed that it didn't keep it lower for longer.  (we are praying in faith that Jesus will heal both his and my high blood pressure-please agree with us in faith if you are a believer in the healing power that comes through the blood of Jesus!  He is able!!)

Also, Friday his Biliruben level was 8.5 so they took the Bililight off and we were able to hold him again.  Oh that was so nice!!  We hadn't gotten to hold him since Sunday.  Well, Saturday it jumped to 10.5 but they didn't put the light back on, and today it was 12.6 so he's back under the UV lamp.  They said that as he gets older the photo-therapy loses his effectiveness but since he is so little they are going to try it and see if they can lower it.

Thirdly, both the IV in his foot and arm went bad so they had to start one in his head :(  That pretty much sucks!!  Poor little guy :'(  Really wish he didn't have to go through that.

Ok, now for the good news.

He had a poopy diaper after birth but thats the last bowel movement he's had without a suppository.  The nurse said he had a HUGE one last night.  That may help with the Bilirueben level.  That could also help with the BP if he was feeling uncomforatable with all that stuff in there.

Second, he is tolerating his feedings really well.  There is pretty much nothing left in his tummy before his next feeding which is really good.  They upped his feeds to 15ml every 3 hours yesterday and they will be upping his caloric intake today.

Thirdly, he his the 1 week old mark yesterday at 1:32pm and he hits 34 weeks gestation today which puts him into a new bracket as far as development expectations go.

Lastly, the nurse started to try feedings with a bottle last night and she said he did really well.  He took in 10 of the 15ml and then they give the rest through the feeding tube.

The way I see it, the developmental progress outweighs the medical set-backs.  The medical set-backs are not going to effect his growth and development and we have plenty of time before discharge for them to be resolved.

Remember, please pray that Jesus heals both Ben's and my blood pressure issues, I would like us both to be medicine free by the time he is released!!  Jesus IS able and when He does we will be sure to give him all the praise and glory for it.  By Jesus blood, in His name :)

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